Some U.S. officials are frustrated at the pace of Ukraine’s counteroffensive, which has gained less than 100 square miles of territory.

  • monkA
    -1410 months ago

    Instant gratification?? How about instant, decisive and meaningful support? Day 1, tanks have crossed the border and are advancing towards Kiyv? Close all borders, halt all trade, threaten to nuke Moscow unless they leave by Day 3, nuke Moscow on day 3.

    Instead, the western world offers thoughts, prayers and excuses, with only occasional tanks here and there in between, months and years too late, making it worse for literally everyone. So when people that are watching Ukraine been helped just enough to save the helpers’ faces, suffering through the bloodshed unfolding for a year+, and said people are not willing to normalize the shameful history page they’re living through… I think it’s neither fair nor productive to accuse them of seeking instant gratification.

    Damn, if everybody really demanded instant gratification, democracies worked and politicians complied, we would’ve been talking about the war in past tense.

      810 months ago

      It’s almost like no one wants to start a global thermonuclear war that annihilates our species. I’m glad the actual people in charge are able to see the shades of grey you can’t.

      • monkA
        -710 months ago

        I’m sorry you fell victim to the powerful madman image Russia is so desperate to project, when (misguided) rational cowardrice is all it does.