If only Fred Trump had pulled out in 1945.
Assuming the troops are willing to return. “Welcome back, you’re fired!”
oh, he’s not planing on bringing them home, i have a feeling he’s planing on sending them somewhere … else
Pack your asses into Globemasters and GTFO. Leave the fighter jets and the armor for the people still willing to fight for democracy.
To everyone cheering this idea and wanting or not minding US troops leaving Germany, stop and think a bit first. Those troops are part of the nuclear shield protecting Europe. Removing those troops is not just a few peeps going home, it removes Europe’s most important line of defense.
The only possible backup to that would be getting France and/or the UK using their nukes for the same purpose. That would create a de facto European mini-NATO, if not a full blown European army. Not saying that’s not a great idea, but just think of what it would entail - for starters, who would be the commander in chief of a European army?