Me and my Friend played Some Red Dead Online today. I went fishing and some how managed to get my character to float off a dock. Sadly i couldn’t get any fish to bite. In fact, after doing a bounty i feel like no animals were spawning. After i gave up i found a nearby gang hideout, which i didn’t even know was a thing in RDO. After clearing them out i found this shrine while looting the place:
I also climbed down this well nearby my camp. I was really expecting there to be something down here but there was nothing. While i was on my way out my friend fell on me and killed us both.
While on my way back into Saint Denis to pick up a bounty i went a way i never had before. I don’t think i’ve ever seen this side of the city. It’s really pretty:
I also went ahead and passed through too sell some pelts and thought the view was pretty in that area (though, this entire game is pretty. I always end up taking like 80 screenshots.