Steam your flags 😠
Yeah … I’m too lazy lol
Washing and hanging them wet is enough to get them wrinkled out
You’re very experienced with wet things I sense :3
need help?
tip: you can shave your socks with a razor to easily remove pilling
Heyyy those are my Cats there on the Monitor! Nudel hat uns gefunden! Oh naim!
Wir brausen im Miata davon!
Aber ich bin frühstens Morgen wieder Fahrtüchtig
Ich klau’ Nudels Meth, dann kann ich fahren.
Cool in einer Stunde komm ich am Bahnhof vorbei
kommt in einandhalb Stunden
my home is even less tidy :3
My main room was and is a huge wastebin.
is your /home tidy though?
Pretty much. There’s still stuff like .mozilla, .thunderbird and .ssh, but that’s non-fixable. And I’ll care about .bashrc soon.