• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOP
    2 months ago

    I explicitly said I’m not focusing on the US. I just used it as the most egregious example. Here’s an example from Sweden for you instead https://jacobin.com/2019/08/sweden-1970s-democratic-socialism-olof-palme-lo

    The consequence of failing dramatically isn’t that severe. You can just try again.

    Ah yes, millions of people having their live ruined is oopsie daisy. The sheer lack of basic human empathy on display here is stunning.

    But this falls back to what you seemingly cannot comprehend. “The west” is not the US. The US is not “The west”.

    What you seemingly can’t comprehend, having no actual understanding of the subject, is that the system never recovers to the same level. Each crash results in a wealth transfer to the top because regular people and small businesses aren’t able to cope with the increase in their expenses. This allows large capitalists to buy up their assets, putting the rest of the population further on the margins. As the system evolves over time, the working majority ends up in increasingly more destitute situation. Hence why US, Europe, and occupied Korea, are all starting to have mass civil unrest and a social crisis.

    You’ve offered very little explanation of anything.

    No, I offered specific mechanics that select for short term thinking, such as quarterly targets, and CEO compensation being directly tired to showing profits in the near term. You continued to ignore these explanations, never addressing them. Instead, you proceeded to bleat about living in a social democratic welfare state. I’m pretty sure you have no clue what any of those words even mean.

    I’m not screeching for details. I’m asking you to provide any at all.

    I did, and if you work on your reading comprehension you might even figure out what they are.

    But things are just not that simple.

    Anybody who is paying attention to what’s happening in the west politically can see that things are indeed that simple. Different countries happen to be in different stages of capitalist development, some still retain a social safety net, while others like the US, have torn it down completely. However, the overall direction of travel is the same, because systemic pressures are the same. People like you just can’t see the big picture and large scale trends due to having poor education.

    My reading comprehension is just fine.

    Very clearly it’s not, since you continue to claim I didn’t provide details when I did.